

what is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine that originated in China that falls under the umbrella of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The practice of acupuncture involves the insertion of filiform needles into various acupuncture points located throughout the body to treat conditions such as:

  • Pain

  • Insomnia

  • GI & Digestive Issues

  • Headaches

  • Premenstrual Symptoms

  • Fatigue

  • Asthma

  • Stress

  • Allergies

Traditional Acupuncture uses meridians that are mapped throughout the entire body, similar to a highway system. Energy, or Qi, travels through these meridians and channels. Each point along these channels have a unique set of actions and indications. A diagnosis will be signs & symptoms and a tongue & pulse analysis. The results of this diagnosis will determine which acupuncture points to use to help rebalance energy in your body. These points can be activated in a various number of ways. Most commonly, a small filiform needles is inserted into this point and manipulated to activate the Qi. The use of Moxibustion (dried mugwort), Tuina (Chinese massage), and/or acupressure can also be used to activate these points.

Synergistic Movement specializes in the treatment of sports injury & pain and prevention of injuries. This is the practice of using anatomically specific points that fall along trigger points or motor points of the affected muscles. This method is utilized to help reset overactive muscles and activate under-active muscles. We will perform a movement based assessment to highlight dysfunctional movement patterns and guide us to what muscles to treat.

Ready for your first appointment? Call 303.929.5421, email or book online.


Muscle Activation Techniques

This therapy is a checks and balance system of your muscles. Through a series of range of motion assessments, muscle tests, palpations, and retests, MAT™ can get your body with the proper mechanics to help reduce pain and range of motion.


Cupping is an ancient form of therapy in which heated glass cups are applied to the body to create suction as a way of increasing blood flow, separating tissue layers, and breaking up adhesions formed in the tissue.

Fascial Stretch Therapy

A new method of manual therapy that uses the fascial network to help increase mobility and range of motion via traction, PNF, and movement. Fascial Stretch Therapy can be used by anyone and everyone!